Top Baby Girl Names 2019 That Start With B
Nosotros're working our fashion through an alphabet of name perfection, and nosotros've landed on a bunch of bouncing names for boys and girls that start with B.
To aid you name your babe, and to narrow down our search for the most exquisite names beginning with B, nosotros asked the huge online Mum's Grapevine community to share their favourite male child names that commencement with B, and girl names that commencement with B.
We're betting that with names including Bayda, Brinkley, Buzz and Bellamy, there is a whole milky way of names hither yous've never heard of.
If you're looking for a less common name for your tot you can't become past a B proper noun with only four making it into the top 200 baby names of 2020; Billie (66), Bonnie (73), Benjamin (36) and Bodhi (86).
Botanical names that showtime with B are well represented with Balsam, Basil, Briar, Bryony, Bramwell, Bentley and Bay.
Celebrities are favouring B names with Cheryl Cole and Kate Winslet both naming their kids Bear; Tori Spelling and Emma (Infant Spice) Bunton named their kids Swain; Jessica Simpson has a Birdie; and Queen B herself named her girl Blue.
Spring alee for 208 daughter names starting with B
Spring alee for 588 male child names starting with B
208 daughter names that start with B
Banging girl names starting with B are plentiful amongst the celeb oversupply – from Billie Eilish and Blake Lively to Britney Spears and Beyonce. There's a huge assortment of 'B' girl names that work well for boys too, so it's worth browsing this list if yous're on team dark-green.
- Babbett
- Infant
- Babette
- Babita
- Babs
- Bader
- Baila
- Bailee
- Baja
- Bali
- Ballona
- Bambi
- Banita
- Barbel
- Barbie
- Barbra
- Barinda
- Barri
- Barta
- Bartha
- Basha
- Basille
- Basima
- Bastia
- Batilda
- Batista
- Battina
- Batya
- Bauby
- Bayda
- Bayla
- Bea
- Beah
- Beatrica
- Beatrice
- Beatris
- Beau
- Bebe
- Bec
- Beckah
- Becky
- Beatrice
- Beatrix
- Beeja
- Begonia
- Beige
- Beki
- Bel
- Beliarosa
- Belinda
- Belisse
- Belita
- Bella
- Belladonna
- Bellanca
- Bellette
- Bellina
- Bellissa
- Bellita
- Belva
- Bena
- Benadette
- Benetta
- Benicia
- Benita
- Benjamina
- Benni
- Benoite
- Bente
- Bentleigh
- Berdie
- Beret
- Berna
- Bernadett
- Bernadina
- Bernadotte
- Bernetta
- Bernice
- Bernina
- Bernise
- Bernita
- Berri
- Berti
- Bertina
- Bertrice
- Beryle
- Beryn
- Bess
- Bessie
- Beta
- Beth
- Betha
- Bethanee
- Bethanne
- Bethie
- Betia
- Betiana
- Betsy
- Bette
- Bettina
- Bettine
- Beulah
- Bevany
- Bevlyn
- Bevvy
- Beyonce
- Bianca
- Bibi
- Bibianna
- Bibyana
- Biddy
- Bidella
- Biffy
- Bijou
- Bilee
- Biljana
- Billey
- Billie-Jean
- Billina
- Bina
- Bindi
- Binny
- Bionca
- Bionda
- Birdie
- Birgitta
- Birta
- Bitta
- Bizzy
- Blaire
- Blaise
- Blake
- Blanca
- Blanche
- Blanka
- Blayre
- Blessing
- Blinny
- Blondie
- Blossom
- Bluebell
- Blysse
- Blythe
- Bobbie-Jo
- Bonita
- Bonnebell
- Bonnie
- Bora
- Bowie
- Bradi
- Bradyn
- Braelyn
- Brandise
- Brandy
- Breana
- Breanna
- Breanne
- Bree
- Breehan
- Breelyn
- Informal
- Breiann
- Breila
- Breina
- Brenda
- Brendette
- Brendie
- Brenna
- Breona
- Brettany
- Brettnie
- Bria
- Brianna
- Briar
- Bridee
- Bridgot
- Bridie
- Brielle
- Brienne
- Brietta
- Bright
- Brigid
- Briney
- Brinkley
- Briona
- Briony
- Bristyl
- Britania
- Britany
- Brittina
- Bronnie
- Bronte
- Bronwyn
- Brookanne
- Brooke
- Brownyn
- Brya
- Bryana
- Bryce
- Brystol
- Buffy
- Bula
- Bunny
- Byna
588 boy names that beginning with B
Brash and bold, in celebrity circles boy names that get-go with B abound. From potent political characters like Barack Obama to actors and singers like Brad Pitt, Bruce Springsteen, Bruno Mars and let's non forget the ever-elusive artist Banksy. At that place are more than 500 names below you're sure to find one you both like.
- Baako
- Baasu
- Babar
- Babsen
- Bacchus
- Bachellor
- Badan
- Badar
- Badger
- Badir
- Badru
- Badu
- Baha
- Bahati
- Bai
- Bail
- Baillee
- Bain
- Bainbridge
- Baird
- Bajardo
- Bakery
- Balbi
- Balbino
- Balbo
- Balder
- Balderic
- Baldev
- Baldewin
- Baldie
- Baldwyn
- Bale
- Baley
- Balfor
- Balin
- Ballard
- Ballbo
- Balraj
- Baltazar
- Balto
- Ban
- Bancrofft
- Bandele
- Bane
- Banebridge
- Banfield
- Banjo
- Bank
- Banksy
- Banning
- Bannock
- Baptist
- Bar
- Barack
- Baraka
- Baram
- Barbour
- Barclay
- Bard
- Barden
- Bardo
- Bardolf
- Bardon
- Bardou
- Bardoul
- Bardrich
- Bardulf
- Barek
- Barend
- Baret
- Baris
- Barker
- Barklay
- Barklie
- Barksdale
- Barlow
- Barna
- Barnaba
- Barnabas
- Barnabe
- Barnabus
- Barnard
- Barnardo
- Barnebas
- Barnes
- Barnett
- Barney
- Barnham
- Barnhard
- Barnhardo
- Barni
- Barnum
- Barny
- Baronet
- Barr
- Barratt
- Barrclay
- Barree
- Barren
- Barrey
- Barrick
- Barrington
- Barrlow
- Barrton
- Bart
- Bartel
- Barten
- Barth
- Barthelemy
- Bartho
- Barthol
- Bartholomew
- Barthram
- Bartin
- Bartle
- Bartlett
- Bartley
- Bartolome
- Bartolomeu
- Bartome
- Barton
- Bartow
- Bartram
- Baruchi
- Baruj
- Bas
- Basiano
- Basil
- Basim
- Bassam
- Bassett
- Bastien
- Batchelor
- Battiste
- Baudilio
- Baudoin
- Baudric
- Baumar
- Bax
- Baxlea
- Baxley
- Bayard
- Baylen
- Bayless
- Baynbridge
- Bayne
- Bayou
- Bayrd
- Baz
- Bazeel
- Bazil
- Bazz
- Bazza
- Embankment
- Beacher
- Beacon
- Beagan
- Beal
- Beals
- Beaman
- Beamer
- Beamus
- Beasley
- Beatty
- Beau
- Beaudan
- Beaudine
- Beaufort
- Beaumont
- Beauregard
- Beauvais
- Beavan
- Beavis
- Becher
- Beckett
- Beckham
- Bedall
- Bedell
- Bedrich
- Beebe
- Beecham
- Beecher
- Beechy
- Beegan
- Beegin
- Beeman
- Beemer
- Beemon
- Beirnie
- Bela
- Belden
- Beldene
- Belindo
- Belisario
- Bellamy
- Bellarmine
- Bellarmino
- Bellden
- Belldene
- Belldon
- Bellindo
- Bellmont
- Bellton
- Bellvedere
- Belmont
- Belshazzar
- Belton
- Beltran
- Beltrano
- Bemis
- Benci
- Bendick
- Bendt
- Benedetto
- Benedict
- Benedicto
- Benett
- Beniamin
- Benjamin
- Benjamino
- Benjey
- Benjie
- Benjiro
- Benn
- Bennedict
- Bennett
- Bennito
- Benno
- Bennt
- Benson
- Bentley
- Bentlie
- Benyamin
- Benzion
- Ber
- Beresford
- Berg
- Bergeron
- Bergin
- Beric
- Berillo
- Berk
- Berkely
- Berkie
- Berklie
- Berky
- Berl
- Berle
- Berlyn
- Berman
- Bern
- Bernabe
- Bernal
- Bernald
- Bernard
- Bernardino
- Bernarr
- Bernd
- Berne
- Bernet
- Bernhald
- Bernhard
- Bernhardo
- Bernie
- Bernis
- Bernold
- Bernt
- Bertel
- Berthold
- Bertie
- Bertil
- Bertin
- Bertle
- Berto
- Bertol
- Bertold
- Bertoll
- Berton
- Bertram
- Bertran
- Bertrand
- Bertranno
- Bertrem
- Berwin
- Berwyn
- Bethlem
- Betuel
- Beuford
- Bevan
- Beverlea
- Bevis
- Bevon
- Bevvan
- Beyren
- Beyron
- Bhakati
- Bharat
- Bhaswar
- Biagio
- Bianco
- Bickford
- Bid
- Bidal
- Bienvenido
- Biff
- Bijay
- Bill
- Bille
- Bing
- Bingo
- Binh
- Binky
- Birch
- Birchall
- Biren
- Birgin
- Birk
- Birkee
- Birkeley
- Birket
- Birkitt
- Birkley
- Birky
- Birley
- Birlie
- Birly
- Birney
- Birnie
- Birny
- Biron
- Birtle
- Bishopp
- Bivian
- Bjorn
- Black
- Blackburn
- Blackstone
- Blackwell
- Blade
- Blagburn
- Blagden
- Blaine
- Blais
- Blake
- Blakeley
- Blakelie
- Blakeman
- Blakeney
- Blakenie
- Blanco
- Blandford
- Blandino
- Blandon
- Blaney
- Blanford
- Blanton
- Blasien
- Blasio
- Blasius
- Blayr
- Blayse
- Bligh
- Bo
- Boas
- Bob
- Boban
- Bobbey
- Bodin
- Bodine
- Boe
- Bogaard
- Bogart
- Bogdan
- Bogey
- Bogie
- Bogy
- Bohdan
- Boine
- Bojan
- Bollton
- Bonami
- Bonar
- Bond
- Boni
- Bonner
- Bono
- Boone
- Booth
- Borak
- Borbon
- Bordin
- Borg
- Boris
- Borja
- Built-in
- Borne
- Borris
- Bosleigh
- Boswell
- Bosworth
- Both
- Bourbon
- Bourey
- Bourke
- Bourn
- Bourne
- Boutros
- Bouvier
- Bow
- Bowden
- Bowin
- Bowman
- Boyce
- Boyde
- Boyn
- Boynton
- Brad
- Brad
- Braddon
- Bradey
- Bradfurd
- Bradley
- Bradney
- Bradshaw
- Brady
- Brae
- Braedy
- Brahim
- Brahma
- Brahvo
- Braidie
- Brain
- Brainard
- Braizer
- Bram
- Bramwell
- Bran
- Brandan
- Brander
- Brando
- Brandon
- Brandr
- Brandt
- Branko
- Branlea
- Branna
- Brannen
- Brannon
- Brannton
- Branston
- Branten
- Brantin
- Branton
- Branwell
- Braser
- Brasil
- Bratumil
- Braulie
- Bravlio
- Bravo
- Brawleigh
- Brawley
- Braxton
- Bray
- Brayden
- Braydie
- Braynard
- Brazier
- Brazil
- Brood
- Brenan
- Brendano
- Brendin
- Brendt
- Breneman
- Brennon
- Brennt
- Brentan
- Brenten
- Brently
- Brentt
- Brentton
- Brevard
- Brewer
- Brewster
- Brian
- Briano
- Briant
- Bricio
- Brick
- Brickel
- Bricker
- Bridge
- Bridgeley
- Brien
- Brigg
- Briggham
- Brik
- Brindley
- Brindly
- Brinleigh
- Brinly
- Brion
- Bristow
- Britannicus
- Brittain
- Britto
- Brizio
- Broc
- Brock
- Brocklea
- BrocktenBrod
- Broddy
- Brodee
- Broden
- Broder
- Broderic
- Brodey
- Brodric
- Brodrick
- Brody
- Broggan
- Brok
- Bromlea
- Bromley
- Bron
- Bronco
- Bronko
- Bronsen
- Bronson
- Brookes
- Broughton
- Brown
- Bruce
- Bruno
- Brunell
- Brutus
- Bryant
- Bryce
- Brye
- Bryen
- Bryent
- Bryland
- Brynly
- Brynn
- Bryon
- Bryse
- Brysin
- Bubba
- Buchanan
- Buck
- Buckey
- Buckley
- Bud
- Buddy
- Buell
- Bufford
- Bullet
- Burch
- Burchard
- Burchell
- Burdett
- Burford
- Burg
- Burgess
- Burke
- Burleigh
- Burlin
- Burnard
- Burnell
- Burney
- Burnis
- Burns
- Burr
- Burrell
- Burt
- Burton
- Buster
- Butch
- Butler
- Buxton
- Buzz
- Buzzy
- Byford
- Byran
- Byrne
- Byrnes
- Byron
Head over to our social page, and have a look at our original post, in that location are over 500 comments.
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